2023-2024 School Innovation and Improvement Plan
Outcome goals for this academic year.
Complete ESSER School Funding Plans
2023-2024 Irving MS | Region 4
Cindy Conley, Principal
English Language Arts Strategies
Outcome: Ensure students are making sufficient progress to be on grade level in English Language Arts.
Goal: By the end of the school year, 100% of our students will show growth in literacy through at least once of the common assessments - WIMS English Common Assessment, VGA/SOL, No Red Ink and/or RI. Students already passing advanced will maintain this high performance level.
Strategy 1:
Increase the frequency of formative and summative assessments that include integrated reading and writing tasks.
Strategy 2:
Maximize daily instruction and practice in word recognition, reading comprehension, and grammar (Lexia PowerUp).
Strategy 3:
Increase the frequency of formative integrated reading and writing tasks (i.e., reading responses, annotations).
Mathematics Strategies
Outcome: Ensure students are making sufficient progress to be on grade level in Mathematics.
Goal: By the end of the school year, the number of students who are prepared to enroll in and successfully complete Algebra in 8th grade will increase by 5%.
Strategy 1:
Increase teacher implementation of explicit instruction and other components of effective mathematics intervention.
Strategy 2:
Increase students' self-efficacy around the ability to be successful in mathematics.
Strategy 3:
Improve teacher's implementation of the Framework for Engaging & Student-Centered Mathematics Instruction.
Portrait of a Graduate (POG)
Outcome: All students will complete a POG Presentation of Learning (POL) by 2025-2026.
Goal: By the end of the school year, all students will show growth in at least one attribute and two skills within Portrait of a Graduate through Presentations of Learning held in Rock Block (3rd period) throughout the school year.
Strategy 1:
Students will review POG and select the skills that they will be working toward showing growth in advisory.
Strategy 2:
Students will participate in quarterly mini-POG POLs.